Graduation: specific information

Thesis defence

The thesis defence lasts 30 minutes: 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the questions.
You are required to attend at the scheduled start time of the graduation session. The timetable will be published at least 3 days before the session.
The thesis defence is public.


Assessment criteria

The base for the final degree grade is determined by the weighted average of the grades obtained throughout the course of study, adjusted for the corresponding CFU. This average, out of 110, may be increased by up to 10% if the absolute majority of the Examination Board agrees. In exceptional cases, the limit can be exceeded with a unanimous vote. The laude can be awarded with a unanimous vote to candidates with a final degree of 110/110.

For theses that receive a grade of 110/110 with laude, the Examination Board may also recognise the "dignity of publication" with a unanimous vote. This does not oblige the Department to undertake any editorial promotion of the thesis.


Read the Regulations on the final exam for further information.

Sessions and deadlines

Summer session

Submission of online graduation application: from 29/04/2024 to 15/05/2024

Deadlines for the 26/07/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 11/07/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 11/07/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 11/07/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 11/07/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 16/07/2024 by 1 PM

Deadlines for the 20/09/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 05/09/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 05/09/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 05/09/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 05/09/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 10/09/2024 by 1 PM
Autumn session

Submission of online graduation application: from 26/08/2024 to 12/09/2024

Deadlines for the 13/12/2024 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 28/11/2024
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 28/11/2024
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 28/11/2024
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 28/11/2024
  • Uploading the thesis: 03/12/2024 by 1 PM
Extraordinary session

Submission of online graduation application: from 07/01/2025 to 23/01/2025

Deadlines for the 14/03/2025 session:

  • Passing the last exam: 27/02/2025
  • Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 27/02/2025
  • Changing the thesis title (online only): 27/02/2025
  • Uploading the dissertation form*: 27/02/2025
  • Uploading the thesis: 04/03/2025 by 1 PM

*The dissertation form can be downloaded after submitting the online graduation application


  • All deadlines are strict, and no exceptions will be granted. Failure to meet the deadlines will result in exclusion from the Graduation Session.
  • For rescheduling to a later session or graduation date, refer to the information on modifying or cancelling your application.