Graduation: specific information

Degree thesis

The degree thesis (final examination) represents the concluding step of your academic and training journey. It is crucial for obtaining your degree. Thesis-related activities include:

  • The degree internship (activities in the department)
  • Individual study, research, and thesis writing

Each university educational credit (CFU) corresponds to 25 hours of activity, divided between practical activities and individual study. Specifically, each CFU includes a minimum of 20 hours of activities in the department and a maximum of 5 hours of individual study, research, or thesis writing.

Therefore, throughout the entire internship period, you will need to dedicate an appropriate number of hours to departmental activities, individual study, research, and thesis writing, as defined in the Study Plan.

Submission of the Degree Application

Degree applications must be submitted online, in accordance with the deadlines and procedures specified on this page and in Graduation: General Information.


Submission of the Red Booklet (libretto rosso)

The Red Booklet must be delivered to the reception of the Cattinara Teaching Hub (in front of the Medical Library). The deadline for submission coincides with the deadline for the digital upload of the thesis.

Submission of PowerPoint presentations (for thesis discussion)

The PowerPoint file must be sent via email to and by 1:00 PM on the working day before your thesis discussion. The file should be named as follows:
SURNAME_NAME_DAY_AM or PM (e.g., Rossi_Mario_24August_AM).

When submitting the PowerPoint for your thesis discussion, you must also return:

  • The key for the locker assigned during your studies
  • Your student ID badge
  • Any protective glasses provided
  • The uniforms assigned during your studies

Thesis Discussion

Degree theses are generally discussed in the Aula Magna “Rita Levi Montalcini” at Cattinara Hospital, Trieste. The candidate convocations are published on this webpage approximately 10 days before the graduation session, indicating the date, time, and committees for the final examination.

Thesis Streaming

As decided by the Department Council, Graduation Sessions held in the Aula Magna “Rita Levi Montalcini” at Cattinara Hospital will be streamed on the Department's YouTube channel. Graduands who do not wish their thesis discussion to be streamed must explicitly withhold their consent from the Programme Coordinator by the thesis upload deadline.

In such cases, candidates will be scheduled to minimise disruptions for other candidates during the Graduation Session. The proclamation will, in any case, be streamed for all new graduates.

Licensing for the Medical Profession

The final examination of the Single-Cycle Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery also serves as the State Examination qualifying for the medical profession, provided that the student has passed the final exam of the Practical Evaluation Internship (TPVES).

For more information on the TPVES, please refer to the Internship and Training section.

The qualification is subject to passing the final exam of the 6th-year Practical Evaluation Internship, which certifies the student’s competency in professional medical skills.

Relevant Ministerial Documents

The qualification for the medical profession and the regulations governing the training of Medicine and Surgery students are established by the following ministerial documents:

  • Ministerial Decree 9 May 2018, No. 58: Regulation of training and qualifying procedures for the Medicine and Surgery degree programme
  • Ministerial Ordinance No. 20 of 10 February 2020: Specific provisions for the Practical Evaluation Internship and State Examination
  • Supplement to Ministerial Ordinance No. 20/2020: Updates and subsequent amendments
  • Article 102 of Decree-Law No. 18 of 17 March 2020: Introduction of the qualifying value of the final examination for the Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery