An Additional Learning Requirement (OFA) is a pathway assigned to you if, during an entrance test or initial assessment, you do not achieve the minimum score required in a specific subject area or fail to meet certain prerequisites for your study programme. Its purpose is to help you address any gaps and better prepare for your academic journey.
If you do not fulfil the OFA by the end of the first year, you will still be allowed to enrol in the second year, but you will not be permitted to take the corresponding exams until the requirements are met.
If the ministerial decree does not establish a minimum score for passing the test, the Bachelor's Degree Course will determine the minimum score annually. This information will be communicated to you by the Coordinator.
The preliminary knowledge required to succeed in the course relates to the disciplines outlined annually in the Call for Applications. The Bachelor's Degree Course organises a preparatory course to verify possession of the essential initial knowledge necessary for attendance.
OFA will be assigned if, in the national admission test, you achieve a score below the threshold set annually in the Call for Applications. The OFA will be automatically fulfilled by passing the assessment exam for the first-year integrated course that includes the module(s) subject to evaluation.