
The Degree Programme is coordinated by a tenured university professor who takes on the role of Coordinator. This figure is supported by the Head of Professional Training Activities (RAFP) and the Teaching Tutors, whose purpose is to guide students throughout their studies, with a particular focus on professional training activities.

Teaching Tutor and RAFP – Degree Programmes

Who they are

The Head of Professional Training Activities (hereafter RAFP) combines organisational and teaching skills and is responsible for professional training activities and internships.

The Teaching Tutor is a healthcare professional who combines technical and teaching expertise and carries out their work within the framework of professional training programmes at the programme delivery site and in specific professional settings. They share responsibility with the RAFP for the professional skills acquired by students.

What they do

The RAFP organises and manages practical and internship activities for each year of the programme, ensuring they align with the skills required by the professional profile and the Regional Health System (SSR). They coordinate these activities to integrate them effectively with the rest of the study programme, following the guidelines set by the Board of Studies. Furthermore, they monitor the quality of internships to identify and improve any critical issues.


The Teaching Tutor serves as a point of reference for specific professional fields within the SSR structures that host students. In addition to maintaining their professional skills, they participate in initiatives aimed at improving training quality. They plan and apply teaching strategies to help students develop both technical and cross-disciplinary skills, supervise their learning, and, together with the Internship Tutor, assess their final progress. Moreover, they foster collaboration among all those involved in training, create links between the degree programme and operational structures, and conduct research on professional or educational topics to enhance training quality.

Programme Coordinator

• Prof. Fabio Barbone - fbarbone@units.it

Head of Professional Training Activities (RAFP)

• Dr. Luisa De Carlo - luisa.decarlo@units.it

Teaching Tutors

• Dr. Cinzia Braida - cinzia.braida@units.it
• Dr. Mirco Locci - mirco.locci@units.it