Graduation: specific information

The academic journey concludes with the professional qualification examination and the thesis defence.

For each student, an initial score is determined based on the weighted average of the grades obtained in the individual courses within the study programme.

Professional Qualification Examination

The three-year degrees in healthcare professions grant direct access to professional practice. This is ensured by passing a specific qualification examination, which must be taken by the graduating student before the thesis defence.

During the examination, the student is presented with a question related to specific professional competencies. The exam is taken in the presence of the degree committee. The qualification exam score contributes up to 5 points to the final grade. Passing the professional qualification examination is a prerequisite for accessing the thesis defence

Thesis Defence

The final assessment concludes with the thesis defence.

The candidate has 12 minutes to present their thesis, followed by a discussion phase.

A maximum of 5 points is awarded to the student based on the type of thesis presented (experimental or theoretical) and the skills demonstrated during the presentation and discussion.