The clinical internship and professionalising cognitive tutoring activities aim to integrate theoretical-disciplinary knowledge with operational professional practice (technical, relational, and behavioural skills, diagnostic reasoning, and critical thinking) and organisational practice (functional, hierarchical, relational, and interprofessional dimensions of services, values, skills, and working behaviours of professionals). They also support the development of professional identity and sense of belonging, as well as anticipatory socialisation into the working environment. Due to its complexity, the clinical internship activity is defined by the Internship Regulations of the programme.
- Cognitive tutoring
The cognitive tutoring activity includes guided exercises in clinical reasoning, cognitive mapping, and critical discussion of clinical cases aimed at fostering nursing assessment skills, diagnostic reasoning, and care planning. These activities take place in the same facilities designated for clinical placements or in suitable settings (teaching rooms, laboratories, etc.), depending on the teaching methodology used.
- Clinical placement
The clinical placement activity takes place in suitable facilities within the Regional Health Service (SSR) and other public and private healthcare and social-healthcare institutions identified by the University, in accordance with the current Memorandum of Understanding with the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
The student carries out the clinical placement under the guidance and supervision of the Placement Tutor, who works closely with the Academic Tutor regarding the definition and assessment of learning objectives.
The general and specific objectives of the Clinical Placement Activity are detailed in the "Placement Project and Agreement" document, available on the University and company online platforms, differentiated by year of study and Clinical Areas, where:
- the healthcare and/or technical activities permitted for the student are described, in relation to the year of study attended and in accordance with ministerial regulations;
- the learning outcomes the student must achieve by the end of the placement are defined;
- the objective and observable criteria for measuring learning outcomes and determining the student's certification assessment are established.
During the clinical placement, the student is equated to a worker and, as such, is insured by the University for accidents (INAIL policy) and for Third-Party Liability. To prevent accidents/injuries, the student is required to use personal protective equipment appropriately and whenever necessary, and to report any unavailability of such equipment in advance. Regarding pregnancy and maternity, the regulations protecting working mothers apply.
To be admitted to the clinical placement, the student must:
- hold a medical fitness certificate issued by the Occupational Medicine Service;
- have fulfilled the vaccination requirements established by current national regulations and the University of Trieste;
- have completed workplace safety training;
- have accepted the commitment to respect Privacy, professional secrecy, the Code of Conduct for public employees, and the placement regulations defined by the Degree Course;
- commit to providing feedback on the placement experience.
AlmaLaurea Board
You can browse internship and job offers available on the AlmaLaurea board, where you will find opportunities filtered according to your field of study.