Graduation: general information

To graduate, you must be up to date with the payment of all fees for the academic year in which you graduate.

The application is submitted for the individual graduation session: it is valid if completed with the required attachments and payments made within the deadlines. The transcript or student card is NOT submitted.

After the presentation deadline and within the deadline for passing the last exam, you can submit the application with the charge of late fees: contact the Career Office of your study program for details. No further exceptions are allowed.

The Career Office will automatically cancel graduation applications lacking documentation or payments.

If you plan to graduate in the autumn or extraordinary session, DO NOT pay the first installment of the registration fee for the new academic year. If you graduate, the fee will be automatically canceled; if you do not graduate, you can still enroll as indicated in the Fee Notice.

Non-EU Students 
Before submitting the graduation application, you must email the valid residence permit to the Career Office of your program.

The online procedure

Bachelor's Degree

  1. Print, fill out, sign and save the Supplementary form for the final exam 
  2. Access the Online Student Service (Esse3)
  3. Select the menu option Almalaurea: complete or update your Questionnaire, then save the receipt
  4. Select the menu option Submit degree application: fill it in and attach the documents from points 1 and 3
  5. Verify all data and confirm the application
  6. Select the menu option Payments and pay the required fees by the specified deadline
  7. Check the page Degree: specific course information to verify deadlines and other requirements



  • Returning borrowed materials
    The University Libraries, near your graduation date, will check that any borrowed materials (books, journals, DVDs, CD-ROMs) have been returned within the deadlines set by the regulations. If not, they will contact you. Failure to return the materials will result in being reported to the Graduation Committee
  • Returning the riginal Diploma/secondary school certificate
    If you deposited your original diploma or the substitute certificate during enrolment, please contact the Admissions Office of your degree programme to arrange for its collection or shipment