
The internship is a compulsory activity to be carried out in a research laboratory within the Department or other University Departments, under the supervision of a lecturer acting as supervisor

The internship is worth 6 CFU, corresponding to 150 hours, and is usually carried out in the 3rd year of study. It can be completed in 19 working days full-time or 38 days part-time.

You may also choose to undertake the internship outside the University or as part of the preparation for the thesis.

Internship inside the University

To start the internship, fill out the Domanda di tirocinio interno and have it signed by the designated supervisor. Then, send the form to

To conclude the internship, send the Attestazione finale to The office will begin the procedure for recognising the acquired CFU.

We remind you of the importance of complying with the regulations on Health Surveillance (with the assistance of the supervisor), as required by the Health Surveillance Service.

Internship outside the University

As an alternative, you may choose to carry out an external internship outside the University laboratories. To do so, you must first submit a specific request at least one month before the start of the internship by sending the Domanda di attivazione to The Department will evaluate your request and inform you of the outcome via institutional email.

Forms and procedure for external internships

Agreement and Training Project

  • Check the list of active agreements to verify whether the host organisation already has an agreement in place.
    • If the host organisation does not have an agreement, contact to arrange a new agreement.
  • Once the existence of an agreement has been confirmed, fill out the Progetto formativo together with your tutors. This document will outline the activities you will carry out.
    Send the completed and signed document to before starting the internship.

Tutoring Roles
Two support figures must be identified for the internship to begin:

  • Academic Tutor: proposed by you and approved by the Course of Study Coordinator. They are responsible for the educational aspect of your internship, ensuring consistency with the learning objectives and providing guidance and support.
  • Company Tutor: designated by the company, they will be responsible for your onboarding and monitoring the activities carried out.

Recognition of CFU
At the end of the internship, send the Attestazione finale to and the office will initiate the process for recognising the CFU earned.

AlmaLaurea Board

You can browse internship and job offers available on the AlmaLaurea board, where you will find opportunities filtered according to your field of study.