Once enrolled, all students must take a test to assess their prior knowledge. The test is conducted online on the Moodle platform, accessible with University credentials, and is free of charge.
The test date will be published in September.
Who needs to take the test?
All enrolled students are required to take it unless they hold a valid TOLC certification (S, F, I, B). To be exempted, send the certification to didatticadscf@units.it at least two days before the test date.
Sctructure of the test
The test comprises 50 multiple-choice questions and lasts 110 minutes. It is divided as follows:
- Mathematics: 20 questions to be solved in 50 minutes
- Reasoning and problem-solving: 10 questions to be solved in 20 minutes
- Reading comprehension: 10 questions to be solved in 20 minutes
- Basic sciences: 10 questions to be solved in 20 minutes
Scoring is assigned as follows:
- 1 point for each correct answer
- -0.25 points for each incorrect answer
- 0 points for each unanswered question
Passing the test
If your score is below 12 points, you will be assigned an Additional Learning Requirement (OFA), which must be fulfilled by the second year of study.