The final examination of the Single Cycle Master's Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, classified under LM-46, serves as a State Examination qualifying for the profession of Dentist.
To be admitted to the final examination (thesis/dissertation defence), you must:
- Have attended all courses and passed the related exams, including the CFU credits for elective courses, as specified in your study plan.
- Have obtained all the CFU credits required by your study plan.
- Have passed the Practical Assessment Test (PPV).
- Have completed the online procedures required by the Student Career Office within the set deadlines.
- Have no outstanding obligations with the Library, the Student Career Office, or the Teaching Secretariat.
- Practical Assessment Test (PPV)
The Practical Assessment Test (PPV) precedes the thesis defence. It is aimed at verifying the professional skills acquired through a Practical Assessment Internship (TPV) within the study programmes and assessing the candidate’s practical preparation for professional qualification.
The PPV requires the student to discuss three multidisciplinary clinical cases that they have managed as the primary operator during the TPV. These clinical cases involve multidisciplinary treatment plans that include procedures from the majority of the disciplines covered in the TPV, in accordance with the protocol drafted by the Permanent Conference of the Presidents of Degree Programmes in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, in agreement with the National Commission of the Register of Dentists.
In order to pass the PPV, students must obtain a suitability judgment, after which they are admitted to the thesis defence.
- Preparation of the Degree Thesis and Final Examination
For the preparation of your degree thesis and final examination, you have the CFU credits provided for by the academic regulations and your Study Plan.
The final examination consists of the discussion of an experimental or theoretical dissertation/thesis, originally developed by the student under the supervision of an academic tutor. The thesis may also be written in English.
The thesis topic must be agreed upon with the supervisor:
- 12 months before the graduation session for experimental theses
- 6 months before the graduation session for theoretical theses
All clinical and experimental theses must demonstrate and cite the approval of the study by the Ethics Committee in accordance with current regulations.
The Programme Coordinator will appoint a co-examiner for each candidate, to whom the student must submit a copy of their thesis at least 10 days before the discussion. The co-examiner may be chosen from among the university’s lecturers or may be an experienced professional in the field, identified by the Coordinator. Their role will be to discuss and explore certain aspects of the dissertation with the student during the examination. The entire committee may act as co-examiners during the thesis discussion.
The Examination Committees for the final examination are appointed by the Head of Department upon the proposal of the Academic Board and consist of at least five members.
All lecturers belonging to the Department may act as thesis supervisors and be part of the degree thesis committees.Graduands are no longer required to submit a printed copy of their thesis first to the Student Office and then to the library. The thesis must be archived in PDF-A format directly in Esse3, 10 days before the final examination.
- Final grade
The final grade is determined by summing the scores assigned for:
- The starting grade, calculated based on the weighted average, also considering the CFU credits from the internship.
- Career points.
- Points awarded for the evaluation of the dissertation.
The final grade is expressed in one hundred and tenths, with possible honours, and cannot be lower than the weighted average of the exams. Career points can be awarded up to a maximum of 6, based on:
- Number of honours achieved: 0.3 points for each honour recorded in the transcript, up to a maximum of 2 points.
- International experience: 1 point for every 10 CFU credits recognised (exams, professionalising internship, and internship for the dissertation), up to a maximum of 2 points.
- Conducting the dissertation work in English: 2 points.
- Completion of studies within the six-year course duration: 1 point if graduated in the summer or autumn session.
- Exam grade in “Discipline odontostomatologiche 1” and “Discipline odontostomatologiche 2” in the sixth year: 1 point if a grade of 30/30 is obtained in both exams.
The points for the dissertation evaluation are then added to the obtained grade. The evaluation of an experimental dissertation ranges from 0 to 10, while a theoretical dissertation is graded from 0 to 8.
The overall grade, determined by summing the scores from categories "1 + 2 + 3", is rounded up or down to the nearest whole number only after the final sum.
Honours may be awarded, upon the supervisor’s recommendation and with the favourable opinion of at least 75% of the Examination Board, to candidates who achieve a final score of 114 or higher and have obtained at least one honour.
A special mention may be awarded, upon the supervisor’s recommendation and with the unanimous favourable opinion of the Examination Board, to candidates with a weighted average of at least 29/30, a final score of at least 120, and at least six honours.
- Procedures before and during the exam session
- Arrive a few minutes before the scheduled time.
- Each candidate will have 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions; strict adherence to time limits is required.
- The proclamation will take place at the end of all presentations, as a single event for all candidates in each group.
- The graduation session will be streamed live on the Department's YouTube channel.
Thesis Streaming
As resolved by the Department Council, the graduation sessions held in the “Rita Levi Montalcini” main lecture hall in Cattinara will be streamed on the Department’s YouTube channel. Graduands who do not wish their thesis discussion to be streamed must explicitly deny consent to the Course Coordinator by the thesis submission deadline at the Online Student Service (Esse3). The proclamation will be streamed for all new graduates in any case.
University Graduation forms