
Internship and Professional Training

From the 2nd semester of the 1st year, the Study Plan includes at least 60 CFU (University Educational Credits), equivalent to a minimum of 1,500 hours of direct care activities (1 CFU = 25 hours). The professional internship consists of a preclinical internship as preparation for the clinical internship.

At the end of each internship period, the competence acquired in the various professional training activities is assessed using methods established by the Board of the Degree Programme.

With a progressive approach to developing operational skills, the activities you will carry out will support the outpatient staff and involve direct patient care throughout all three years of the programme.

Internships are regulated by the Internship Guide, which outlines the objectives and CFU for each academic year.


Students enrolled in the programme are considered equivalent to workers and, as such, are insured by the University for workplace injuries (INAIL insurance) and third-party liability.

Before starting the clinical internship, you must:

  • Hold a medical fitness certificate issued by the Occupational Medicine Service.
  • Have completed training on workplace health and safety.
  • Have accepted the commitment to privacy compliance.

Internship attendance is recorded using tracking tools. During the internship, students are required to maintain professional confidentiality and comply with the Code of Conduct for Public Employees. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) provided by the host institution is mandatory.

A detailed internship regulation document is given to students before the internship begins.

Internship Locations

Internships take place within the following affiliated institutions:

Tutors and Contacts

Head of Professional Training Activities
Dr. Costanza Frattini
📞 040-3992821

Ms. Manuela Tancik
📞 040-3992566

AlmaLaurea Board

You can browse internship and job offers available on the AlmaLaurea board, where you will find opportunities filtered according to your field of study.