- To be admitted to the final degree examination, which qualifies graduates to practise as a Speech and Language Therapist, regardless of the number of years of university enrolment, students must:
- Have attended at least 75% of the scheduled hours for each course module and passed the relevant exams;
- Have completed 100% of the internship hours required for each year of the course and passed the annual internship exams;
- Have passed all the required exams and obtained 173 ECTS credits, including those related to the preparation of the final examination (excluding those assigned to the final examination itself);
- Have submitted the required documentation to the Student Career Office.
- The examining board consists of no fewer than seven and no more than eleven members, appointed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Board of Studies. It includes at least two members designated by the TSRM Speech and Language Therapists’ Association.
- The examination dates are communicated at least thirty days before the first session to the Ministry of University and Research and the Ministry of Health, which may send their own experts to attend as representatives. These experts oversee the regularity of the examination and sign the minutes. If the designated ministerial representatives are not appointed, the Rector may exercise a substitute power.
- Two nationally defined sessions are scheduled for the final examination: the first, usually in October–November, and the second in March–April.
- The final examination consists of a practical test and the drafting and defence of either an experimental or a literature-based dissertation, prepared independently by the student under the supervision of an academic advisor. Passing the practical test, as well as preparing and defending the dissertation, awards 7 ECTS credits.
- The practical test serves as a state examination qualifying graduates for the profession of Speech and Language Therapist. Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge and skills specific to their professional profile. The practical test is graded on a scale from 0 to 5 points. A score lower than 3 results in failure of the test and prevents access to the dissertation defence.
- The dissertation, whether experimental or literature-based, must be an original work produced by the student under the supervision of an advisor selected from the teaching staff of the degree programme. It is graded on a scale from 0 to 5 points. The dissertation may also be written in a foreign language, subject to prior agreement. The degree grade is expressed in hundred-and-tenths (with possible honours) and cannot be lower than the weighted average of the exams taken. The final mark is calculated based on the weighted average, to which the points obtained in the practical test and dissertation defence are added. The final score may be increased based on: The number of distinctions (lodi) achieved during the three-year course (maximum 2 points out of 110);
- International mobility experiences (e.g. Erasmus) (maximum 2 points out of 110).
- In exceptional circumstances, the final score may be rounded from 109 to 110
Honours may be awarded, with the unanimous approval of the degree board, to candidates who achieve a final score of no less than 110.
University Graduation forms