Graduation: specific information

The final examination of the degree course is a State examination qualifying for the nursing profession. To access the final examination, students must have obtained all the ECTS credits required by the study plan and must not have any administrative irregularities.

Practical Test/State Examination with Qualifying Value

The Examination Committee consists of no fewer than 7 and no more than 11 members, appointed by the Rector upon the proposal of the Board of Studies. It includes at least two members designated by the Nursing Professional Orders of Trieste and Gorizia. The Ministries of University and Research and of Health may send their own experts as representatives to individual sessions. These experts are not part of the Examination Committee but oversee the regularity of the examination and sign the minutes. If the ministerial representatives are not designated, the Rector may exercise substitute powers.

The final examination consists of:

  • A practical test, during which students must demonstrate that they have acquired the theoretical-practical and technical-operative knowledge and skills characteristic of the nursing profession. The practical test is assessed with a score from 0 to 5 points. A score of zero results in failure of the test and prevents access to the thesis discussion in that session.
  • The writing and discussion of a thesis, developed originally under the supervision of a Supervisor from the University’s teaching staff. For thesis preparation, students may request to undertake an internship at an appropriate facility by submitting a formal internship request, co-signed by the Supervisor, to the Head of the selected facility. This co-signature confirms the Supervisor’s responsibility for the student’s activities. If the selected facility is not already affiliated with the University for CLI student internships, the request must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. The thesis may also be written in a foreign language, subject to prior agreement.

During the thesis discussion, the committee acts as a co-examiner and assigns a score from 0 to 5 points for research theses and from 0 to 3 points for compilation theses. A score of zero does not prevent passing the examination. The degree mark, expressed in hundred-and-tenths with possible honours, is obtained by adding to the weighted average (based on 110) of the exams taken during the three-year course the scores obtained in the practical test and the thesis discussion.

The minimum score required to pass the final degree examination is 66/110.

The final score may be:

  • Increased based on the number of honours achieved during the three-year course (0.3 points for each documented honour in the student’s academic record);
  • Increased based on international mobility experiences (1 point for internship mobility, 2 points for study mobility);
  • Rounded from 109 to 110 following unanimous approval by the Degree Committee;
  • Honours may be awarded unanimously to candidates who achieve a final score of no less than 110/110 and meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • A minimum of 3 honours obtained during the three-year course;
    • A weighted average (based on 110) above 105 in exams taken during the three-year course;
    • The highest score in both the practical test and the thesis.

For students whose academic journey is considered particularly outstanding, the Committee may award a Special Mention, which will be recorded in the degree transcript.

Thesis Proposals

Students may request to undertake an internship in suitable facilities for the preparation of their thesis, subject to the approval of their supervisor and the head of the facility. Bachelor's and Master's theses must align with the professional profile and may include research projects, compilatory studies, or applied analyses.

Thesis Presentation

Degree applications must be submitted online, following the deadlines and procedures indicated on this page and in Graduation.general info
The PowerPoint presentation file (for the thesis discussion) must be sent via email to the designated address 24 hours before the thesis defence. The file must be named as follows: SURNAME_NAME_DAY_AM or PM (e.g., Rossi_Mario_24August_AM).

Graduation Streaming

As decided by the Department Council, Graduation Sessions held in the Aula Magna “Rita Levi Montalcini” at Cattinara Hospital will be streamed on the Department's YouTube channel. Graduands who do not wish their thesis discussion to be streamed must explicitly withhold their consent from the Programme Coordinator by the thesis upload deadline. In such cases, candidates will be scheduled in a way that minimises inconvenience for other candidates during the Graduation Session. The proclamation will, in any case, be streamed for all new graduates.