Graduation: specific information

At the end of your studies, you will have to complete a final examination, which consists of a public discussion of your written dissertation, known as the thesis. You can choose to develop your thesis in one of two ways:

  • Internship-based thesis: If your thesis is related to your internship, you will need to produce a report on the work carried out during the internship period. In this case, your internship supervisor will also act as your thesis supervisor.
  • Compilative thesis: Alternatively, you can write a compilative thesis, choosing a lecturer from the degree course as your supervisor.

The list of graduating students for each session, including the date and time of the discussion, is usually published one week in advance in the Department Announcements section. The list also includes the name of the lecturer who will be your "lettore", to whom you must promptly send a copy of your thesis.


Before starting to work on your thesis, you must have obtained all the credits for TAF A, B, and C courses from the first two years, as well as the English language proficiency certification. It is also recommended that you have already earned the 8 CFU of TAF D (“free choice”).

You may write your thesis in English and defend it in the same language, but you must obtain approval from the Coordinator. In this case, you must also prepare an extended summary in Italian.

For an experimental thesis, you must submit the Modulo di richiesta di ammissione in PDF format to at least 10 days before starting your thesis work. Send the form from your institutional email address.

Depending on your supervisor:

  • If your supervisor is from the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, submit the Modulo di autorizzazione alla frequenza to
  • If your supervisor belongs to another department, consult your supervisor and follow the attendance rules of the relevant department.

Final Examination

You will present your thesis in front of a Committee of at least three members.

Your final degree grade is expressed in one hundred and ten (110) and consists of:

  • The weighted average of your exam grades, converted into a scale of 110.
  • Up to 7 additional points awarded by the Committee.
  • 2 extra points if you graduate within the extraordinary session of the 3rd year.

If your final average exceeds 103/110, the Committee may decide to award honours.