To obtain all the credits required for the completion of the qualification, you will also need to acquire those related to the following learning activities:
- Language skills
- IT and telematic skills
The credits related to these activities may also be obtained through the recognition of suitable certifications or attestations by following the procedure described below.
Students who have passed the tests for ECDL modules 1, 2, 3, and 7, which are considered indivisible, will be awarded the corresponding ECTS credits for the Informatics module. Furthermore, by completing the remaining three ECDL modules, students can obtain an additional 3 ECTS credits in the field of elective learning activities, with 1 ECTS credit awarded for each successfully completed module.
For language skills, please refer to the specific section.
Internship - Basic Life Support (BLS) Course
The BLS (Basic Life Support) course aims to provide the skills to recognise and manage a patient’s state of unconsciousness, respiratory arrest, and absence of pulse while ensuring absolute safety for oneself, the person being assisted, and other rescuers.
By attending the course, you will acquire knowledge and skills in basic resuscitation and the early use of defibrillation with semi-automatic defibrillators.
A seminar is a teaching activity that shares the same characteristics as an ex-cathedra lecture. It can be conducted by one or more lecturers, even from different disciplinary fields (or with different expertise), and must be recorded in the lesson register. Conferences on odontostomatology topics, which may be organised within professionalising specialised courses, are also recognised as seminar activities.
Seminar activities may be inter-university and conducted in the form of videoconferences.