Double degree

The Course offers the opportunity to five selected students to participate in the Double Degree programme with the University of Ljubljana and be awarded the Degree from both universities.

During the second year, you will be able to attend courses and take exams at the University of Ljubljana, with full recognition of the exams already taken the first year at the University of Trieste. The lectures are held in the curricular languages: Italian in Trieste and Slovenian in Ljubljana. If you take part in the programme, you must attend them regularly.

At the end of the programme, you will have to discuss a thesis prepared under the supervision of two lecturers, one from each university.

How to apply

Submit your application during the first year of studies, following the instructions in the Call for Applications published in the Official Register (Albo d'Ateneo). A joint Trieste-Ljubljana committee will assess the applications and draw up the ranking list.

Participation in the Double Degree programme is compatible with the Erasmus+ programme. We therefore recommend that you complete and submit an application for participation in the Erasmus+ double and joint degrees programme at the same time.

Useful contacts

Programme coordinator: Prof. Valentina Beorchia (
International Mobility Office: