The final examination for obtaining the degree requires the preparation of a thesis (experimental, basic or applied) that demonstrates your scientific and managerial autonomy. The thesis must be conducted under the supervision of a lecturer or researcher from the course of study or an expert agreed upon with the Teaching Committee and approved by the Board of Studies at least two months before the discussion. The thesis work may also be conducted at external institutions, subject to the approval of the Board.
You may choose to write your thesis in Italian or English, with the supervisor’s consent. If the thesis is in English, the title page and extended abstract must be in Italian.
The thesis is discussed before a committee of 5 members appointed by the Department Director, on the recommendation of the Coordinator. The Committee evaluates the final examination on a scale of 110 points. The final grade is based on:
- Weighted average of grades obtained, converted to a scale of 110
- Up to 7 points for the quality of the thesis and presentation
- 2 points if the thesis is completed by the extraordinary session of the 2nd year
The maximum grade is 110/110, and the Committee may unanimously decide to award honours (lode).
Sessions and deadlines
- Summer session
Submission of online graduation application: from 29/04/2024 to 15/05/2024
Deadlines for the 14/06/2024 session:
- Passing the last exam: 30/05/2024
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 30/05/2024
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 30/05/2024
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 30/05/2024
- Uploading the thesis: 06/06/2024 by 1 PM
Deadlines for the 19/07/2024 session:
- Passing the last exam: 04/07/2024
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 04/07/2024
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 04/07/2024
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 04/07/2024
- Uploading the thesis: 11/07/2024 by 1 PM
Deadlines for the 20/09/2024 session:
- Passing the last exam: 05/09/2024
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 05/09/2024
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 05/09/2024
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 05/09/2024
- Uploading the thesis: 12/09/2024 by 1 PM
- Autumn session
Submission of online graduation application: from 26/08/2024 to 12/09/2024
Deadlines for the 25/10/2024 session:
- Passing the last exam: 10/10/2024
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 10/10/2024
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 10/10/2024
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 10/10/2024
- Uploading the thesis: 17/10/2024 by 1 PM
Deadlines for the 13/12/2024 session:
- Passing the last exam: 28/11/2024
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 28/11/2024
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 28/11/2024
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 28/11/2024
- Uploading the thesis: 05/12/2024 by 1 PM
- Extraordinary session
Submission of online graduation application: from 07/01/2025 to 23/01/2025
Deadlines for the 13/02/2025 session:
- Passing the last exam: 29/01/2025
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 29/01/2025
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 29/01/2025
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 29/01/2025
- Uploading the thesis: 05/02/2025 by 1 PM
Deadlines for the 28/03/2025 session:
- Passing the last exam: 13/03/2025
- Cancelling the graduation application (online only): 13/03/2025
- Changing the thesis title (online only): 13/03/2025
- Uploading the dissertation form*: 13/03/2025
- Uploading the thesis: 20/03/2025 by 1 PM
*The dissertation form can be downloaded after submitting the online graduation application
University Graduation forms