You will need to prepare and defend an experimental dissertation on a topic related to Chemistry, which must be original. The dissertation will be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor, usually a lecturer from your Bachelor's or Master's degree course, whose name must be communicated to the Board of Studies. If you wish to choose another lecturer from the University of Trieste, the Board must approve your request. The supervisor may also appoint a co-supervisor to assist you during your dissertation work.
You may write your dissertation in English and defend it in this language, but you must agree on this with the Coordinator and prepare a summary in Italian.
Before starting, you must submit a dissertation request to the Course Coordinator, indicating your chosen supervisor. This must be done at least 5 months before the final examination. If you carry out your dissertation at an external institution or a contracted company, at least 8 months must pass from the project start date, certified by a company supervisor, before the final examination.
Important! This procedure does not replace the degree application on Esse3. To graduate, you must also follow the instructions in the "Graduation: general information" section.
Dissertation Abroad
If you carry out your dissertation abroad for at least 3 months, the 40 CFU of the final examination will be allocated as follows:
- 20 CFU for “Dissertation Preparation Abroad”
- 20 CFU for “Final Examination”
Final Grade
The final degree grade will be decided by the Board of Examiners, composed of the Chair and at least four other members. The final score is expressed in hundred and tenths and is calculated by adding:
- The weighted average of exam grades (converted into hundred and tenths)
- 2 points if you graduate within the end of your 2nd year
- 0-3 points assigned by the supervisor
- 0-4 points assigned by the preparatory committee, which will evaluate the dissertation and oral presentation in the days before the defence.
If your weighted average exceeds 103/110 without rounding, the Board may decide to award honours.
University Graduation forms