Mandatory Safety Courses
Safety courses are mandatory for all students in the medical and healthcare fields from the 1st year of study.
The online courses you must complete include the following sections: General part, Low risk, Medium risk, High risk
At the end of the courses, you will receive eight certificates, which must be sent via email to
- General part
- Specific part – Low risk
- Specific part – Medium risk – Biological path
- Specific part – Medium risk – Chemical path
- Specific part – Medium risk – Physical-mechanical path
- Specific part – Medium risk – Geology-archaeology path
- Specific part – Coronavirus risk
- Specific part – High risk
The Specific part – High risk online course is partial: it will be integrated during the second semester of the first year with a dedicated course, already included in the Study Plan. This second part of the course and the final exam will be held in person.
Health surveillance
Health surveillance is mandatory for all students in the Degree courses of the Department of Medical, Surgical, and Health Sciences, and for those with curricular activities that involve access to laboratories (e.g., chemistry, biology). In the 2nd semester of the 1st year and the 1st semester of the 4th year, you will have to undergo health surveillance and.
- fill in the anamnesis questionnaire
- undergo health assessment
- undergo the Mantoux test
For information on the procedure and deadlines for the test and questionnaire, you can contact the Life and Health Sciences Admissions Office.
Phone: +39 040 558 3191
Other requirements
Information Document on Risks in ASUGI and Acknowledgment of Risks in ASUGI
In the 1st year of your course, you must read the Information Document on Risks in ASUGI and send the completed and signed Acknowledgment of Risks in ASUGI document via email to, using the subject line: “Surname Name - Acknowledgment of Risks in ASUGI”.
Authorisation for the Processing of Personal Data – ASUGI
In the first year of your course, you must read and sign the Authorisation for the Processing of Personal Data – ASUGI document and finally send the completed document via email to
Identification Badge
The identification badge must be displayed for any university activity conducted outside the lecture halls, especially in hospital and healthcare facilities.
To obtain the badge, you must send a clear photo of your face via email to bnvm, specifying your full name and your Course of Study in the email text.